(Excerpts from a text message conversation between Diane West, web designer, and Kaye Don Van Leuven of Central Point. I sent Kaye Don (KD) this picture as I was trying to determine where the photo was taken and thought he might be able to identify it from the location of Table Rock…)

KD: What a nice car!! My eighth grade teacher had a Cord like that! It was that color too! Super nice.👍 I can’t tell which way the Table Rock is positioned without my glasses…😅
DW: Who was your eighth grade teacher—Mr. Morris?
KD: Wow! That is Mr. Morris, my eighth grade science teacher!
Nicest man ever!!
I learned so much from him!!
My favorite teacher of all time! And everyone loved him sooo much!!!!!
He’ll always be remembered with happiness🎶
That car could cruise at over 100 mph all day Mr. Morris would say, laughing!
That car would be worth a million dollars now!! lol
La Rue was my teacher and Earl was his brother. I used to ride my bike to “The Hidden Valley Ranch” on Blackwell Rd. and they would show me his real steam train that he was going to have running through his little ghost town that he made called “Gold Gulch.”
DW: Did you go to Gold Gulch?
KD: No it was never open much.
He would always let me run the movie projector! Remember those ancient things?
When we watched a movie he would let us watch it again backwards and it was always so funny. Maybe that’s why we learned so much from him…